Fall Sangha Work Week

October 22 - 27, 2024

Sangha Work Week

Location: CMZC

Address: 2000 East Dreamway, Crestone, CO 81131

Contact: Guest Manager

Check-in/ Check-out Information: Check in is between 3 and 5 pm, checkout is 11 a.m.

Room Assignments: We want participants to know that CMZC Staff take responsibility for room assignments. This is to ensure that to the extent possible, those who are new have the benefit of rooming with those who are familiar with Sesshin. If you have an extenuating circumstance that requires a specific room type, please let us know.

  • Sangha Work Week Deposit – $50.00
Fall Work Week

During the Work Week, the Sangha comes together to harvest and winterize the garden, complete fire mitigation, make improvements in landscaping and buildings and to prepare the campus for our Winter Season.

We will follow a more intensive work schedule than normal but hold daily morning and evening Zazen meditation, participate in lectures and discussions, and eat one meal in the traditional oryoki style.

This event is a great way for beginners to see what zen center life is like, as well as for experienced practitioners to give back to the Sangha. We always have a great group of eager people here for the event, so please join us for the camaraderie of meditation and work practice, and to enjoy our delicious vegetarian fare!

Arrival: 3-5 pm, opening dinner 6 pm
Departure: After brunch

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